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Energy consumption
efficient transformation

The unified platform for metering, control, monitoring and energy management
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Enhance manufacturing through digitalization and automation

Reducing your energy cost up to 15%
By controlling the consumption through metering and AI
Reduce the number of
shutdowns and downtime
By just in time alarming and quick response time reaction
Analyze power consumption and loses
By automatic consumption profile creation and optimization
Main equipment productivity
cost calculation
By merging energy and technological parameters integration
less downtime
see the IKEA case
faster response to incidents
see the Chemical enterprise case
warnings about changes in process
see the Darkhan TPP case
what we do


  • Factory process control
    Improving productivity and precision: streamlining operations through factory process control
  • Energy resourses management system
    All the necessary information on energy consumption for optimal operational management and prediction
  • Power quality
    control systems
    Ensuring reliability and extending the lifespan of expensive equipment
  • Analytics system for demand/response tasks,
    energy consumption forecasting and predictive maintenances
    Smart Prediction: Cutting Costs, Powering Industry Success
  • Multi vendor data protocol integration and web-based visualization system
    Many different channels of information are organized in a user-friendly way
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We provide a comprehensive solution
that combines metering equipment, CENTO software, and huge engineering expertise

Real-time data software
Data collection from different proccess meters and PLC to unifiyed database with user-friendly interface
Unlimited license
Easy scalable system for all industry
Subscription and on-premise installation model
Optimize IT costs or create your-own secure data warehouse

«…Implementation of metering system based on SATEC and CENTO allowed us to solve the problem of slow delivery of information about utilities infrastructure, leakages and shutdowns. CENTO mnemonic diagrams display information about energy supply systems from sources to consumers, alerts and dynamic of parameters…»

The technical director of the leading company engaged in space research

« the moment, we get all necessary data to forecast our consumption, identify abnormal usage and find potential to optimize efficiency from desktop, tablet and smartphone...»

The chief power engineer of the world leading mining holding

Flexible reports without using third party tools
Use flexible reports when your need to analyze data to make better desertion or prove your idea
MES and ERP integration
Easy access to process and billing data for high-level manufacturing efficiency analytics
Alarming and notification
CENTO provides flexible alarming system and allows users to set up rules on notifications via e-mail, sms, etc.
Unlimited historical data storage
Nowdays, building of data collection and storage infrastructure is one of the most significant tasks of industrial companies
Energy resources digital twin
Get the best performance using modeling and analytics
CENTO works with all SATEC devices and data types:
real-time, historical data, waveforms, logs and power quality data
Let us create a cost-efficient solution for you that saves you money

Explore multifunctional projects
with CENTO software and SATEC equipment and compare with your customers situations

Oil company
Paper mill
Chemical enterprise
Nuclear power plants
Pharmaceutical company
Darkhan TPP
The problem:
High percentage of defective output, lack of tools for online product monitoring or accounting
The solution:
Product quality data info-analytics CENTO software at the supervisory level, Siemens S7-300 PLC at the field level
The project:
Unified plant control system

Main effects:
  • Complete statistics for more than 100 possible bottle defects at 15-minute intervals
  • Development of dynamic quantitative KPIs for personnel

A Georgian glass factory belongs to one of the global leaders in the glass industry, Sisecam.The factory manufactures bottles for Coca-Cola and BORJOMI.

  • Qualitative indicators of defective output must be analyzed at every process stage
  • Lack of data to compare defective output indicators for different shifts

  • Statistics for the total volume of products manufactured by bottle type for such customers as Coca-Cola and BORJOMI 
  • Defect type analysis and statistics for each stage of the manufacturing tech process
  • Current KPI fulfilment levels are now displayed on the dispatch monitor on the workshop floor

Oil company
Oil company
The problem:
Power purchase at unfavorable rates and need to place the enterprise on the WEM, the lack of a metering system for operational needs, high fault rate and downtime due to power failures
The solution:
Electricity metering (SATEC EM720, SATEC РМ130, EM133, BFM136). Control system (SATEC EM720, РМ130, EM133)
The project:
Energy saving and efficiency program

Main effects:
  • Savings on power purchase in the first few months 26 mln
  • Electric power metering system for billing paid off in less than a year

An oil and gas company engaged in oil production and refining, as well as sales of petroleum products and petrochemicals, with a total annual capacity of 23.5 million tons.

  • No data available on actual power consumption and distribution within the plants
  • Non-compliance of electricity metering system with the wholesale electricity market (WEM) requirements

  • Weekly monitoring of power consumption exceeding limits by different installations and ability to influence the performance of process engineers
  • Preparation of judicial claims for power outage due to emergency situations using data from electric power system for technical needs
  • Reduced power system emergency recovery time
  • Offsetting, full understanding of power consumption within a plant, reduced electricity costs

Mining enterprise
The problem:
Significant grid losses (15%), lack of voltage and performance of drives that deviates from the rated characteristics and high reactive energy
The solution:
Electric power and process water metering system (SATEC PM133, EM720, BFMII)
The project:
Electric power supply digitalization
Main effects:
  • Mining and stripping production increased by 18% in two years
  • Mill processing increased by 16%
  • The mine's total power consumption decreased by 11% in two years (about 7 million kW*h)
One of the largest producers of metallurgical-grade coal, the world's leader in supplies of high quality Ultra High Grade (UHG) anthracite.
In 2019, the production volumes amounted to 23.7 million tons of coal and anthracite.
  • An increase in production volumes led to an increase in enterprise production capacity 
  • High losses in power lines (about 2 MW)
  • Voltage surges and dips that reached 1kV affecting the entire power system

  • Reactive energy was compensated by combining the operation of capacitive and inductive excavators, and the annual data statistics helped to select reactive power compensators
  • The problem of voltage surges and dips, which reached 1kV, was eliminated
  • The analysis of power supply system parameters showed the true picture for different types of consumers
  • The difference between manual input and system reactive energy data totaled to 145 hours of excavator downtime
  • Reduction of losses in power lines from 2 MW to 500–600 kW
  • Calculations based on water meter readings led to a decrease in costs for discharges into rivers by more than 60%
Pulp and Paper Mill
Paper mill
The problem:
To integrate a tool for balancing plant consumption to optimize generators
The solution:
Electricity metering (EM133, 12-DIOS, PM130EH+) dispatching and monitoring of power systems (PM180)
The project:
Total production modernization

Main effects:
  • Real actual data for the calculation of electricity purchased
  • Perspective to reduce the equipment failure rate due to fine-tuning of the parameters of the power system using SATEC
A timber industry holding company comprising timber, woodworking and pulp and paper enterprises; one of the world's three top producers of bag and sack paper. The holding delivers its products to 100 countries worldwide.
  • Production modernization is being implemented
  • Energy-intensive production
  • On-site own generation of three types (every works on different fuels)
  • Control of the power supply system
  • Collect data to plan purchases and the retail electricity market operations
  • TPP generation management
  • Setting relay protection
  • Balancing consumers within the plant (underload, overload) and reducing energy losses
  • Decrease equipment failures due to changes in the sensitivity settings of equipment
IKEA furniture factories
The problem:
Analysis of the nature of violations and collection of energy quality statistics, metering of energy consumption by each unit
The solution:
Electricity metering (BFM136) and power quality control (PM175)
The project:
Energy Efficiency and united KPI Reporting
Main effects:
  • Saved $150,000 year-end
  • Reduced losses due to downtime by 50.2%
The world's largest retail network selling furniture and household goods with its own production facilities. In Russia, production is represented by four factories: in Esipovo, Moscow Region, in Tikhvin, Leningrad Region, in the Kirov Region and near Veliky Novgorod. The design capacity of the last one is 7 million commodity units per year.
  • Program of equipment modernization and energy efficiency increase is started. It includes pumps, suction filters and lighting modernization
  • CNC failures and manufacturing hours long downtime caused by shutdowns and low power quality
  • Total power consumption by main workshops is 820 MW*h per month. Average amount of costs per unit of production is 3.3 kW*h/m2. Target KPI – 2.63
  • Revaluation of energy intensive consumers and low KPI consumers detection is done
  • Get the information to make qualitative decision on efficiency increasing projects
  • Increasing of control. Main effort is apply to reaction on the problem, not to identify what happens.
  • Monitor shutdowns and operation optimization is happened by analysis of power quality violations (voltage dips and durations, frequency of events, etc.)
  • Optimize equipment schedule
  • Increasing of staff self-control and operations efficiency on each site
Manufacturer of nitrogen fertilizers
Chemical enterprise
The problem:
Promptly respond to events and make decisions quickly
The solution:
Electricity metering (EM133), metering of heat, water, steam and dispatching and monitoring of power systems (12-DIOS, ETC-One)
The project:
Total production modernization
Main effects:
  • 60х faster response to incidents
  • Monitor and control of the entire energy with video-wall
  • 43% reduction in overheating of switching equipment and cables
A large chemical enterprise producing over 1.2 million tons of ammonium nitrate and nitric acid.
  • Heating of cables and switching equipment due to old / worn electrical facilities. It leads to fires and shutdowns of production sites.
  • In the cost structure, the cost of electricity is at least 40%
  • A global re-equipment of production starts, which will radically change the landscape of the company, including the specifics of energy consumption by 2024.
  • Enterprise management aim to create a “digital factory”
  • Increase the speed of reactions on accidents from 2 hours to 2 minutes
  • Reduce shutdowns and average recovery time
  • Build forecast dispatch schedules for consumption
  • Monitor current power consumption of workshops and analyze it
  • Monitor the status of switching equipment
  • Aggregate data for analysis and comparison in purposes of optimizations
Project Prospects:
  • integrate existing commercial metering into the System, refuse from the analogue compare electricity consumption with the load of the workshop (production of final products)
  • associate consumption with repair schedules
  • compare metering data to electricity purchase planning
Nuclear power plants
Nuclear power plants
The problem:
To create a separate subsystem of diagnosis of Automated information-measuring system of electricity consumption
The solution:
Electricity metering, disturbance records collection (PM175) and data analysis and IT monitoring
The project:
Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Program of the Corporation
Main effects:
  • Monitor ~ 8500 parameters in real time
  • Currently, CENTO is seen as an alternative to global platform solutions for working with real-time production data.
The large generating company. Core operations – heat and electricity production at nuclear power plants.
  • An energy-saving program has been launched for the entire enterprise
  • Manual collection of energy resources metering data
  • Large-scale and extensive energy management of each plant
  • Monitor ~ 8500 parameters in real time
  • Combine 4 adjacent systems on one platform - integrate electricity metering, dispatching, waveform collection and diagnosis functionality into one system
  • Reject to apply expensive database
  • Do not recruit additional staff to maintain the "large system"
Pharmaceutical plants
Pharmaceutical company
The problem:
Improve the energy efficiency of pills production, reduce equipment breakdown due to low power quality
The solution:
Electricity metering (BFMII) and dispatching and monitoring of power systems (EM133)
The project:
Digitalization of production
Main effects:
  • Technical ability to calculate specific energy consumption for each batch of pills due to per-minute SATEC measurements
  • Generation of own energy consumption reports for each production line with 1 minute intervals
A pharmaceutical company operating nine pharmaceutical manufacturing plants with a total annual output of over 1.7 billion packages.
  • Launched digitalization strategy: focus on the collection, analysis and optimization of all data in the production and sale of products
  • Energy costs is high compared with the main technology and raw materials
  • Manual collection of energy consumption data
  • Failure of equipment due to low power quality
  • Rationing of resource consumption (with transferring of data to SAP) with the prospect of distribution of energy costs by terms, in order to understand the costs of each batch of tablets
  • Monitoring of the engineering infrastructure and energy consumption
  • Identification and localization of places of failures and outages, monitoring of low power quality and failures of expensive equipment
Darkhan Thermal Power Plant in Mongolia
Darkhan TPP
The problem:
To create a unified system for recording disturbance events
The solution:
Disturbance records collection and analysis (PM180), dispatching and monitoring of power systems (PM180) and electricity metering (PM180)
The project:
Power Plant Automation Retrofit
Main effects:
  • Each connection is equipped with a separate PM180 device
  • Fault registration for currents up to 40 × Inom and to save long-term waveforms up to 3.5 minutes long each in one CENTO dashboard
  • Current electricity parameters from the PM180 every second are available
  • 420 immediate warnings about changes in technological process and 380 analogue signals
Darkhan Thermal Power Plant is a state owned 48MW coal power plant in Mongolia. It provides electricity to the 100,000 residence of Darkhan city and Selenge province. The plant was built in 1963 and consists of four 12 MW turbines
  • Since 2012 modernization process is ongoing on TPP to improve its control as well as to increase the total power capacity to 83 MW
  • The existing fault recording and automation system is based on Russian equipment that was commissioned in 2002
  • There are 88 additional calculated parameters and 420 various warning events which was set up for immediate user notification about changes in technological process
  • Tens of mnemonic diagrams were developed for full detailed control of the processes at TPP
  • Union of disturbance records from 39 devices into single file
  • Monitoring and control of the plant with 1-second data update time. This includes measurements through 380 analogue signals, 624 status signals, normal mode currents and fault currents
  • Display reliable information on the operation of the main TPP scheme

We are engineers and developers
with 15-years experience in industrial automation

Contact Us

Address: 113 WEST G ST #1011, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101
Email: Tel: (858)878.0078
Technical Consulting Services Dr. Alexej Savvin. Address: Auf der Hoehe 3 D-63329 Egelsbach
Email: Tel: +491772218500
Hitec Instruments Limited Bulloch House 10 Rumford Place Liverpool, L3 9DG
Email: Tel: +44 (0)151-909 2333
Name: Sergio Roitman Address: Av. Corrientes 5341 1B, 1414 CABA, Argentina
Email: Tel: (5411) 3071-2911
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